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не в своей тарелкеstresses
gen. feel like a fish out of water; pig-in-the-middle; unhappy about (sb., sth.); feel jumpy (Black_Swan); out of one's element (Taras); ill at ease; off-key (VLZ_58)
amer. discombobulated (Antonio)
fig. compromised (When I don't practice these habits, I feel compromised and overwhelmed. When I do, I am optimistic, creative and energized. VLZ_58)
fig.of.sp. square peg in a round hole (ParanoIDioteque)
idiom. unhappy about (Yeldar Azanbayev); like a cat in a strange garret (дословно "как кот, очутившийся на чужом чердаке". Выражение использовалось в США в 19 веке. CopperKettle); out of sorts (Yeldar Azanbayev); like a fish out of water (kee46); out of one's element (in a place or situation that is not suitable to a person КГА)
inf. fish out of water (Alex Lilo); out of it (Andrey Truhachev); frog in the wrong pond (Putney Heath)
proverb be out of sorts (быть); be not quite (быть; oneself); be out of sorts (быть); feel ill at ease (быть)
slang the Willies the willies
"не в своей тарелке"
slang feel cheap; chippy
чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке
idiom. be like a round peg in a square hole (Баян); be like a fish out of water (Баян)
не в своей тарелке "
: 58 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling2