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делать ногиstresses
gen. do a bunk (He has done a bunk – он сделал ноги.); fly the coop (Windystone); make like a banana and split (humorous slang To depart or leave, especially at once or in a hurry. (A pun on "to split," a slang term meaning to leave or depart, and a "banana split," an ice-cream-based dessert featuring a banana halved lengthwise.) This carnival turned out to be really boring. Come on, let's make like a banana and split! A: "Where are Jeff and Sally?" B: "They needed to get home to feed the baby, so they made like a banana and split." thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг cut and run
idiom. let it (grafleonov); book it (kisseemmee)
inf. elope (Andrey Truhachev); run away (Andrey Truhachev); abscond (Andrey Truhachev); cut (Andrey Truhachev); scram (Andrey Truhachev); skedaddle (Andrey Truhachev); bunk (Br. Andrey Truhachev); scarper (Br. Andrey Truhachev); split (Andrey Truhachev); make a run for it (Abysslooker); skedaddle (russian life, summer 2023, p. 17 Liv Bliss)
jarg. flee (YaLa)
Makarov., slang beat feet
mil., avia. turn and burn (выражение из фильма Top Gun, когда пилотам отдали приказ оставить мишени и возвращаться на базу Golos.Bezdoka)
slang beat feet (urbandictionary.com felog); turn tail (and run); leg it (Abysslooker)
"делать ноги"
gen. cut and run
inf. rabbit
делать ноги"
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects