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стрельнуть vstresses
gen. fire; shoot; stab; mooch (Anglophile); dart; kill by shooting; make a cracking sound; produce a sharp sound; scurry; fire a shot; bum a cigarette (сигарету: She's always bumming cigarettes off people. vogeler)
black.sl. bust a cap (Aviator)
brit. ponce off
Gruzovik, inf. rush away (semelfactive of стрелять); dart (semelfactive of стрелять); scurry (semelfactive of стрелять)
Gruzovik, weap. fire a shot (semelfactive of стрелять)
inf. scrounge (a cigarette off someone Anglophile); hit sb up for (сигарету grafleonov); beg; cadge; have a shooting pain; rush away; sponge; pop; bum (bum a cigarette VLZ_58); dash; dart (away or out of sight)
inf., brit. tap (someone for an amount of money – какую-либо сумму денег у кого-либо; в знач. "одолжить": he tapped me for a fiver – он стрельнул у меня пятерку Anglophile)
mil. fire a round (Taras)
slang shirk (сигу Lily Snape)
"стрельнуть" v
Makarov. ponce off
стрельни v
obs. embrasure (И); loophole (И)
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
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