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сгореть vstresses
gen. burn (up); burn away; fire fang; burn to death (о человеке nabokov); get burned (на солнце ART Vancouver); die; die down; go out; perish; be alight; be dying (of); be on; blaze; ferment; flash; glitter; shine; char; be burnt down (Andrey Truhachev); burn oneself out; go up in flames (Alex_Odeychuk); burn down (kee46); be consumed (kee46); be used up (kee46); sunburn (на солнце. в р.я. – наиболее распространенное выражение, наряду с "солнечный ожог": Я сгорела, хотя у меня смуглая кожа, и я никогда в жизни не сгорала // Главное, не сгореть! В жарких странах наша кожа подвержена интенсивному воздействию ультрафиолета. 'More); be sunburned (usually be/get sunburned (with object) Cause to be affected with sunburn. : ‘we got sunburned but didn't realize it because of the breeze' || you should take care not to get sunburned. 'More); get sunburned (usually be/get sunburned (with object) Cause to be affected with sunburn. : ‘we got sunburned but didn't realize it because of the breeze' || you should take care not to get sunburned. 'More); be burned (up); be consumed (of fuel, firewood, etc.); wither (of vegetation)
Gruzovik be on fire (pf of гореть)
agric. be scorched; rot (of plants); shrivel; wither; fire-fang
agric., Makarov. fire-fang
comp., net. fry
fig. be feverish; burn oneself out; burn (with); be dying of (with от or с + gen., shame, curiosity, etc.)
fire. firefang
Gruzovik, agric. rot (pf of сгорать)
Gruzovik, bot. of plants shrivel (pf of сгорать); of plants wither (pf of сгорать); of plants be scorched (pf of сгорать)
Gruzovik, fig. burn with (pf of сгорать); be dying of (pf of сгорать)
inf. expire (напр., по окончании мероприятия набранные очки сгорают SirReal); down (of clothing, shoes, etc); wear out
Makarov. go up; burn up; go up in smoke
Makarov., agric. fire-fang (о зерне и т. п.)
tech. burn; burn off; burn out
"сгореть" v
idiom. be burned out (на работе jouris-t)
 Russian thesaurus
сгореть v
gen. см. перегореть (4uzhoj)
: 121 phrases in 11 subjects
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