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verb | verb | to phrases
свалить vstresses
gen. get (о болезни: The bug has got him, he's flat on his back. ART Vancouver); toss together; toss into a pile; lay smb., smth. low (кого́-л., что-л.); lay smb., smth. flat (кого́-л., что-л.); take a Mickey Finn; dump (on); fell; shuffle (ответственность); lay out; knock over; strike down; shift the responsibility on (на кого-либо); lay low (кого́-л., что-л.); pawn off (дело (на кого-либо) alia20); offload (на ART Vancouver); flip over; fling down (что-либо); stretch (кого-либо Aly19); overpower; blow down; combine; heap up; lump; pile up; shift; throw down; KO; bring down; knock down; plonk down (denghu); put to grass; put (вину, ответственность); fuck off (4uzhoj); cast (вину на кого)
Gruzovik throw down (pf of сваливать); shift onto (pf of сваливать); combine (pf of сваливать); lump (pf of сваливать); blow down (pf of валить)
amer. bail out (You've been with us too long to bail out now. Val_Ships); bug out (в спешке slang: he bugged out without so much as saying a word Val_Ships); get out of (откуда-либо Val_Ships)
amer., Makarov. put the skids under someone, something
auto. topple
avunc. make off (Andrey Truhachev)
brit. bunk (Capital)
cyc.sport overturn
fig. throw off; cast off; dump work, blame, etc. on someone else; dump work, blame, etc. onto someone else; overthrow; pin (вину, ответственность и т. п.; обыкн. on smbd. or smth. Vadim Rouminsky)
fig., inf. jump ship (Windows is getting to me. I'm thinking about jumping ship and going to a solid product like the iPad.); shift (with на + acc.); blame something on (with на + acc.); overcome
Gruzovik, fig. overthrow (pf of сваливать); overcome (pf of сваливать); overpower (pf of сваливать)
Gruzovik, inf. tip over (pf of сваливать); heel over (pf of сваливать); leave (pf of сваливать); go away (pf of сваливать); depart; move of clouds (pf of сваливать); pass of clouds (pf of сваливать); abate (pf of сваливать); drop (pf of сваливать); fall (pf of сваливать); grow weaker (жара свалила – the heat has grown weaker/grew weaker); set of sun, etc (pf of сваливать)
idiom. do one (joyand); beat it (shergilov)
inf. duck out (по-тихому) to leave, especially in a manner which does not attract notice and before a meeting, event, etc., has concluded | Wiktionary 4uzhoj); split (по-быстрому: he took the riot gun and split Val_Ships); of sleep overcome; of an illness strike; of a large crowd depart; stretch (ударом); abate; drop; fall; depart; go away; grow weaker; heel (over); leave; move; pass (of clouds); set (of sun, etc); tip; bust out (в значении "сбежать" SvezhentsevaMaria); leave town (4uzhoj); clear off (4uzhoj); obsquatulate (shrewd)
jarg. go on the run (Andrey Truhachev)
low, brit. piss someone off (They've pissed off and left us in the lurch 4uzhoj)
Makarov. lay (laid); knock over (о болезни); put on (вину, ответственность); put upon (вину, ответственность); send to grass; shuffle off (ответственность); strike down (ударом); turn out to grass
Makarov., inf. curl up; belt off; frig off; stretch out (ударом)
rude, Makarov. prop
slang split (Баян); scram (куда-то; We had to scram when the cops showed up Artjaazz); make tracks (уйти Andrey Truhachev); run off ("Свали отсюда" Arleyn); do a mick; do a mickey; scram (to leave a scene at once; go abruptly; get out: If you don't scram, I'll leave instead! 4uzhoj); bounce (fddhhdot); skip town (VLZ_58); bail (резко уйти ColumbusC); peel out (VLZ_58); push off (VLZ_58)
tech. pile
vulg., amer. haul ass (Aly19)
Игорь Миг, inf. hightail it out of here; get out of here
"свалить" v
chess.term. roll out
inf. elope (Andrey Truhachev); run away (Andrey Truhachev); abscond (Andrey Truhachev); cut (Andrey Truhachev); skedaddle (Andrey Truhachev); bunk (Br. Andrey Truhachev); scarper (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
свалиться v
gen. crumple; flop (от усталости); tumble; tumble down; spank down; come a cropper; come upon; take a toss; snap up (out of something artery); crumple up; go down with (с гриппом, например blind_navigator); fall off; flock; bunch; crowd; dump; fall (down); incline; list; pile up; slump; thud; founder (от усталости); go; succumb to (с болезнью dreamjam); drop (Something delightful is dropping in your lap. VLZ_58); tip; collapse; topple over; be tossed from side to side (of a ship); come tumbling down
Gruzovik fall down (pf of сваливаться); dump (pf of сваливаться); pile up (pf of сваливаться); incline; lean (pf of сваливаться); list (pf of сваливаться); bunch (pf of сваливаться); crowd (pf of сваливаться); flock (pf of сваливаться); fall over; lean over
Игорь Миг topple over; fall down
austral., slang arse over kettle; arse over tit; flake out (особенно от усталости или непомерного употребления алкоголя)
auto. topple
fig. thrust upon (на кого-либо; The duty that had been thrust upon them blaireau)
fig., inf. appear; fall (off); land (on); pop up; turn up suddenly; be removed; be shifted (onto)
Gruzovik, fig. appear suddenly (pf of сваливаться); pop up suddenly (pf of сваливаться); turn up suddenly (pf of сваливаться); fall on (pf of сваливаться); land on (pf of сваливаться); be shifted onto (pf of сваливаться); be removed (pf of сваливаться)
Gruzovik, inf. die; perish (pf of сваливаться); pass of clouds, etc (pf of сваливаться)
Gruzovik, nautic. collide (pf of сваливаться)
inf. abate; drop; depart; die; die in large numbers (of animals); go away; grow weaker; leave; move; pass (of clouds); perish; set (of sun, etc); lean; tilt; appear from nowhere; fall ill; of cattle die; be laid low by sickness (от болезни)
Makarov. collapse (в результате удара, напряжения); get a spill; have a spill; spill (с лошади, велосипеда и т.п.); come a cropper (вниз головой); come upon (на кого-либо); curl up; fall off (откуда-либо)
Makarov., inf., austral. come a buster (с лошади)
med. be down (с; with Andrey Truhachev)
nautic. collide
свали! v
gen. piss off
amer. bite the ice! (VLZ_58)
inf. bug off (VLZ_58); be gone (Vadim Rouminsky)
rude get lost (Ivan Pisarev)
свали v
inf. Get lost (Rust71); go suck wind (И множество синонимов как нормативных, так и обсценных. VLZ_58)
rude go blow yourself (george serebryakov)
свалил! v
gen. begone (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. be gone (Vadim Rouminsky)
Быстро свалить v
slang pull the rip cord (AnnaOchoa)
Свали! v
inf. Take a hike! (Denis Lebedev)
: 434 phrases in 32 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Aviation medicine1
Cycling other than sport1
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular4
Meat processing1
Rail transport1
Uncommon / rare1
Wood processing1