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"покатываюсь со смеху"stresses
el. rolling on floor laughing (акроним Internet)
покатываться со смеху
gen. roar with laughter; rock with laughter; hoot with laughter (Anglophile); jiggle one's slats; hold sides with laughter
Gruzovik roll with laughter
Gruzovik, inf. roll around with laughter; hold one's stomach with laughter
inf. keel over laughing (Technical); roar with mirth (Irina Usachenko); keel over (Technical); crack up with laughter (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. hold one's sides with laughter; be convulsed with laughter
Makarov., inf. roll about
proverb fall about laughing
"покатываюсь со смеха"
el. rolling on the floor laughing (акроним Internet)
покатываюсь со смеху"
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects