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позаботиться vstresses
gen. care for; exercise care; concern; see about something; take heed to do (о чём-либо); see about; see about (о чём-либо); take thought (о ком-либо); attend to something (wandervoegel); take charge of; make sure (о чём-либо honeysickle); look after; take care (of); take trouble (about); tend; attend (о); ensure (о чём-либо); mind; see (о чём-либо); have the trouble (to-V; Eg. I didn't have the trouble to take anything to eat with me Granadilla); be troubled (about); see to (о чём-либо – в т.ч. с сарказмом: Because it's all they've got. Your friends in the Wedge have seen to that. • Only they're not going to tell anybody. I have seen to that.); pay attention to (sankozh); make arrangements (в контексте: I understand that grant funds are not sufficient to cover travel or support for my family and I will make necessary arrangements for the living expenses. 4uzhoj); see to (to serve, attend to, or care for: Mark, please see to Mrs. Landingham and make sure she has everything she needs.); hook it up (sea holly); make it happen (sea holly); care about; attend to; have sb. taken care of (о ком-л.)
Gruzovik worry about (pf of заботиться); be troubled about (pf of заботиться); look after (pf of заботиться); take care of (pf of заботиться); tend (pf of заботиться); take trouble about (pf of заботиться)
dipl. make provision (о чём-либо)
inf. get right on (о чём-либо Nevtutor); fix (4uzhoj); be on it (george serebryakov)
Makarov. look after (о); make sure; take care (о)
math. take care of; be concerned about; make sure that; take care
tech. care
"позаботиться" v
gen. do for (sb., о ком-л.)
позаботьтесь v
gen. be careful of
: 137 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Contextual meaning1
Medical appliances1
Trade unions1