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плывущий по течениюstresses
gen. afloat; anchorless; free-floating; adrift; free floating
auto. drifting
biol. denatant
Makarov. anchovy
"плывущий по течению"
slang freshman at life (alexptyza)
плыть по течению
gen. tide; drift; go with the stream; go with the times; be adrift; swim with the stream; do with the tide; swim with the tide (13.05); go with the stream (против течения); resign oneself to the fatality of life (bigmaxus); drift along (m_rakova); drop; swim with the current (sunchild); follow the crowd (Anglophile); roll with it (VLZ_58); flow with the current (букв.: "the raft flowed with the current" Рина Грант); take it as it comes (YuliaO); be on the drift
Gruzovik go downstream
bank. run with the wind (The Fed's switch from pro-cyclical to anti-cyclical monetary policy, where it leans into the wind rather than running with it akimboesenko)
fig. drift (о человеке)
fig.of.sp. go with the flow (artery)
fish.farm. go down stream (dimock)
idiom. follow the crowd!; drift aimlessly (Abysslooker); blow with the wind (act according to prevailing circumstances rather than a consistent plan thefreedictionary.com fddhhdot)
inf. you play the cards you've been dealt (VLZ_58); sail along (VLZ_58); slide by (I slide by as a bartender SirReal)
Makarov. be on the drift; go with the crowd; go with the current; sail down the river; float down stream; drift with the current; go the crowd; go the stream; go the tide; run before the sea; swim down the stream; swim down the tide; swim with; tide it
nautic. drop down; go adrift
proverb, disappr. go with the tide
прям.перен. плыть по течению
gen. go with the tide
плыть по приливному течению
nautic. tide
плывущий по течению"
: 13 phrases in 2 subjects