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медпункт nstresses
gen. first-aid post; clinic; cottage hospital (сельский); infirmary (a place for the care of the infirm, sick, or injured, especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution. Telecaster); medical suite (Alexander Demidov); first-aid point (MichaelBurov); first-aid station (contr. of медицинский пункт)
abbr. outpatient clinic (сокр. от "медицинский пункт" Alex_Odeychuk)
airports first aid post
archit. first-aid station
construct. first aid room
dril. medical office
econ. medical station
energ.ind. plant medical center (на ТЭС или АЭС)
Gruzovik, abbr. first aid station (медицинский пункт)
Gruzovik, med. medical aid post
Gruzovik, mil. ambulance station (медицинский пункт)
health. first-aid point (MichaelBurov); first-aid station (MichaelBurov)
inf. docs-in-a-box (igisheva)
Makarov. ambulance
med. small hospital (при школе или колледже); aid post; dressing station; health station; treatment station; health unit; medical aid station
mil., WMD medical station (пункт оказания медпомощи)
O&G, casp. medical clinic (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G, sakh. medical station (Здравпункт Seregaboss); medical house; emergency room
tech. medical center
textile first-aid room
"медпункт" n
torped. "medical station"
медпункты n
fin. health centers
 Russian thesaurus
медпункт n
nurs. медицинский пункт ((развёрнутый вариант - редко) MichaelBurov)
: 21 phrases in 6 subjects
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