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verb | verb | to phrases
затереть vstresses
gen. wipe out; wear out; efface; stunt; rewrite; grip; keep somebody down (Anglophile); impede someone's career (Anglophile); upstage (Anglophile); push into the background (Anglophile); level; smooth; plastering to float; malt; rub; block; rub out; hem in; trap; hold fast
Gruzovik hold fast; rub clean (pf of затирать); rub out; rub over (pf of затирать); floa (plastering); jam (pf of затирать); trap
comp. erase; zap
Gruzovik, acl. malt (process grain, usually barley, that has been allowed to sprout, to be used chiefly in brewing and distilling)
Gruzovik, construct. float (make the surface of (plaster, for example) level or smooth)
Gruzovik, fig. prevent from (pf of затирать); keep in the background (pf of затирать)
Gruzovik, inf. make dirty (pf of затирать); soil (pf of затирать); mix in (pf of затирать); work in (pf of затирать); begin to grate
Makarov. rub clean (замазать); rub out (замазать)
"затереть" v
auto. wipe (жаргон) победить соперника в автогонке I. Havkin)
затереться v
gen. worm way (into)
Gruzovik worm one's way into (pf of затираться); get into
 Russian thesaurus
затерев v
gen. деепр. от затереть
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects