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детский садstresses
gen. play school; nursery school; infant school; day camp (это не детский сад, а секция для детей постарше: a daytime program offering supervised recreational and sporting activities for children, especially in summer and during school vacations ART Vancouver); day-care centre; childcare center (официальный, а не на дому! olg888); day-care facilities (Anglophile); day-care institution (система образования Enlada); day-care (Taras); nursery-school; pre-primary (не ясли Dude67); kindergarten; daycare centre (Through municipal fees and contributions, the industry funds the construction of social housing, schools, daycare centres, public art, museums and community centres. ART Vancouver); nursery (ясельная группа); child care (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); pre-school (A preschool (also nursery school, kindergarten outside USA) is a educational establishment offering early childhood education to children between the ages of three and five, or seven, prior to the commencement of compulsory education at primary school. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik day-care center
adv. day-care service
amer. pre-kindergarten (Alex_Odeychuk); daycare (On the first day my mom dropped me off at daycare, I immediately started crying. • The main reason that my husband and I chose to take our oldest son out of his previous daycare was because it was a revolving door of teachers. 4uzhoj); pre-K (сокр. от "pre-kindergarten" Alex_Odeychuk)
archit. playschool; day-care (davenport facilities)
austral., slang kindy
busin. child daycare centre; child day-care centre; nursery
construct. kindergarten (здание); preschool
law child day care centre
product. child daycare (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sociol. day nursery; creche
tax. day care center
welf. day-nursery (academic.ru Andrey Truhachev); day school (дошкольное учреждение для детей до 5 лет Alex_Odeychuk); child care center (дошкольное учреждение для детей до 5 лет Alex_Odeychuk)
детский сад!
inf. how mature! (ирон. Рина Грант); oh dear, how childish! (an exclamation expressing annoyance or disdain for someone's behavior)
"детский сад"
inf. primary school stuff (Jeremy Corbyn has said that Sir Keir Starmer’s claims that the pair were never friends is “primary school stuff”. independent.co.uk rafail)
детские сады
gen. nursery schools
Makarov. kindergartens
Детский сад!
idiom. real mature (употребляется при инфантильном поведении того, кому адресуется данная фраза Victorinox77)
 Russian thesaurus
детский сад
gen. учреждение для общественного воспитания детей дошкольного возраста. Впервые создан Ф. Фребелем 1837, Германия. В России - с 60-х гг. 19 в. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
ed. д/с (Лорина)
детский сад"
: 84 phrases in 13 subjects
Welfare & Social Security6