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в завязкеstresses
gen. sober (q3mi4); in recovery (In the addiction field, the term has been used in a third way in 12-step programs. There, it is traditional for people to refer to themselves as "in recovery," no matter how long they have been abstinent from their addictive behavior and no matter how well they are doing in life. AKarp)
inf. clean and sober (Telecaster); on the dry (отказавшийся от прежнего образа жизни Yeldar Azanbayev)
в "завязке"
gen. on the programme (suburbian); on the program (синоним on the wagon suburbian)
idiom. on the wagon (независимо от причины – "закодирован" – ли, просто надоело, каприз, устал, больше не может shergilov)
"в завязке"
gen. on the dry; on the wagon
в завязке
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects