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फ़ाइल n
comp., MS file (A collection of information that is stored on a computer under a single name); File (The name of a menu in a conversation window from which the user can save the text of the current conversation, open received files, or close the conversation window)
.theme फ़ाइल n
comp., MS .theme file (A renamed .ini file that points to the theme resources and contains theme values such as colors, fonts, and window size metrics)
.xsn फ़ाइल n
comp., MS .xsn file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
ISV.config फ़ाइल n
comp., MS ISV.config file (An XML configuration document, with the .config file name extension, that contains settings that are used to update the navigation structure of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, including adding custom buttons, tabs, and menus to entity forms)
ADE फ़ाइल n
comp., MS ADE file (A Microsoft Access project (.adp) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
.themepack फ़ाइल n
comp., MS .themepack file (A renamed .cab file which contains a .theme file, and optionally one or more desktop backgrounds, icons, mouse pointer files, and sound files. It does not contain executables or screen savers)
.dll फ़ाइल n
comp., MS .dll file (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
oobe.xml फ़ाइल n
comp., MS oobe.xml file (A content file that can be used to store content to display in the customizable areas of Windows Welcome, Welcome Center, and the Get Connected Wizard)
: 30 phrases in 1 subject