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डिस्क n
comp., MS disc (A round, flat piece of nonmagnetic, shiny metal encased in a plastic coating, designed to be read from and written to by optical (laser) technology); disk (A device used to store information. There are two types of disks. Hard disks are permanent and installed into your computer. Floppy disks are portable and can be inserted into and removed from a floppy disk drive); disk duplication (The process of using third-party hardware or software to copy a full master Windows installation onto the hard disks of multiple destination computers. The master computer and destination computers must have compatible hardware abstraction layers (HALs). The destination computer can be delivered directly to customers, or it might require additional processing on the factory production line)
Blu-ray डिस्क n
comp., MS Blu-ray Disc (A high definition optical disc format which uses a smaller focus blue-violet 405 nm laser allowing higher precision and storage density. A competitor to HD DVD)
: 17 phrases in 1 subject