
   Chinese English
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gen. be present; reach; to; au; be
archit. arrival; come
commer. unto
econ. ad
tech. delivered at plant
| 好莱坞
gen. Hollywood
gen. you
gen. ask for
gen. travel
environ. road
gen. car
gen. be present
| 环球
tech. round the world
| 制片
oil tabletting
gen. factory
gen. am
environ. road
gen. be present
| 迪士尼乐园
gen. Disneyland
gen. able
- only individual words found

to phrases
dào, dao
gen. be present; reach; to; be; go to; ryke; until conj.
archit. arrival; come
auto. appear
commer. unto
econ. ad
tech. delivered at plant
〔法语〕 到 dào, dao
gen. au
表示到达的范围,程度,限度,状态 dào, dao
gen. to
【动】到 dào, dao
auto. arrive
dào, dao
gen. reach
auto. up to 3.5 tons (的)
avia. UNIX to UNIX copy program
UU 到
IT Unix-to-Unix copy program
 Chinese thesaurus
dào, dao
mid.chin., instead. (вверх ногами)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject