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马氏体时效钢 mǎshìtǐ shíxiào gāng
met. maraging steel (【技】利用金属间化合物在含碳极低的高镍马氏体基体中弥散析出来强化的超高强度钢,强度极限可达 2450MPa。 马氏体时效钢具有如下特点:①马氏体基体不仅强度高,而且与低合金超高强度钢相比,在足够高的强度指标下,仍具有良好的塑性和韧性。②在时效硬化前,因含碳量极低,故容易加工,冷加工硬化倾向小,可进行各种形式的加工,包括焊接加工。③固溶处理后只需空冷,淬火开裂危险性小;成型加工后经过较低温度时效处理即可大大强化,具有热处理变形小、脱碳倾向小等优点。可用于制造其他超高强度钢难以胜任的重要构件。: In the late 1950s a new series of alloy steels was developed, all of them containing about 18 per cent nickel, between 8-12 per cent of cobalt, from 3 -5 per cent molybdenum and smaller additions of titanium and aluminium. Because their structure is similar to that of martensite discussed on page 176 and because they can be age-hardened they are called Maraging steels. 20 世纪 50年代末,人们开发出一个新的合金钢系列。这个系列的所有钢种都含有约 18% 的镍、8% - 12%的钻和3% ~ 5% 的钼及少量的钛和铝。由于这种合金钢的结构与本书176页论述的马氏体相类似,同时又可以时效硬化,故称为马氏体时效硬化钢。)
steel. maraging steel
tech. mar-aging steel; mar-ageing steel
马氏体时 效 钢
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