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gen. entomophaga; entomophage
agric. entomophage (entomophages); insect eater
anim.husb. insectivorous animal
desert. insectivore
environ. insectivore Any placental mammal of the order Insectivora, being typically small, with simple teeth, and feeding on invertebrates. The group includes shrews, moles, and hedgehogs (任何属于食虫目而有胎盘的哺乳动物,一般体型较小,具有简单的牙齿,以无脊椎动物为食物。此类动物包括鼩鼱,钱鼠与刺猬。)
life.sc. carnivore
食虫 动物: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Desert science1
Earth sciences1