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met. ceramic edge dam (【技】位于双辊连铸机辊子的两端,用于将钢水保持在两辊之间。: A major component of the consumables for twin-roll caster is the ceramic edge dams used for lateral containment of the liquid steel poured between the two counter-rotating rolls. 双辊连铸机消耗材料的主要部分是用于对浇注到两个逆向旋转辊之间的钢水进行侧封的陶瓷侧坝。); ceramic side dam (Ceramic side dams must guarantee the tightness of the mold against leakage of liquid steel and solidification on these dams. 陶瓷侧坝必须保证结晶器的密封性,以防钢水泄漏和在陶瓷侧坝上凝固。)