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钢铁联合企业 gāngtiě liánhé qǐyè
consult. iron and steel complex
econ. steel complex; a steel complex
met. integrated mill; integrated company (In the United States, with a loss of annual steel capacity of 45 million net tons, none of the integrated companies are planning any increase in steel production for the remainder of the last decade of the 20 th century. 在20 世纪的最后几年,美国钢的年生产能力下降了4500万美吨,美国没有一家钢铁联合公司计划提高钢产量。); integrated iron and steel company; integrated iron and steel enterprise; integrated producer; integrated steelmaker (Granite City Steel is an integrated steelmaker with two blast furnaces, two basic oxygen furnaces, one LMF, two argon stir stations, and two slab casters. 格拉尼特城钢公司是一家钢铁联合公司,它有两座高炉、两座氧气顶吹转炉、一台钢包冶金炉、两个氩气搅拌站和两台板坯连铸机。); steelmaking complex (During 1979 the corporation commissioned a 10000 tonne per day blast furnace, forming important part of the new steelmaking complex. 1979 年该公司投产了一座日产万吨的高炉,成为了这家新建钢铁联合企业的重要组成部分。)
tech. integrated iron and steel works; integrated steelworks
完整的钢铁联合企业 gāngtiě liánhé qǐyè
met. fully integrated steel plant
钢 铁联合企业
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects