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【连】 钢水停留时间
met. steel residence time (【技】钢包注流进人中间包到流人结晶器的路程中,钢水在中间包内所经历的时间。单位通常用 min 表示。钢水在中间包内停留的时间越长,钢水中夹杂物上浮的时间就越充分,钢水就越干净。: ① The trial revealed that baffle boards increased the steel residence time and enhanced nonmetallic inclusion floatation. 试验显示:缓冲板提高了钢水停留时间、促进了非金属夹杂物上浮。 ②Baffles, weirs, and dams have long been in use to increase steel residence time and promote inclusion flotation to the tundish slag. 为了延长钢水停留时间、促进夹杂物上浮到中间包渣中,缓冲板、双挡墙已使用了好长时间。)
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