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met. excessively high superheat (【参】 superheat 的词典义为"过热"、"过热热量"、"过度加热"。但不能因此将 excessively high superheat 翻译成"过高的过热"或"过高的过热热量"等。根据连铸专业知识和 excessively high superheat 在英文原版文献中的实际使用情况, excessively high superheat 的汉语译名应为"过高的过热度"。: Loss of mold lubrication is due to improper mold slag properties for the casting conditions, erratic steel level control, inadequate mold powder application, mold slag contamination by zirconia or alumina, rapid casting speed increases, or excessively high superheat 结晶器润滑丧失是由于:结晶器保护渣性能与连铸条件不适应,钢水面控制失稳,结晶器保护渣用量不足,结晶器保护渣受氧化锆或 Al₂O₃ 污染,拉坯速度提高过快或过高的过热度。)