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过渡元素 guòdù yuánsù
gen. metaelement
environ. transition element One of a group of metallic elements in which the members have the filling of the outermost shell to 8 electrons interrupted to bring the penultimate shell from 8 to 18 or 32 electrons; includes elements 21 through 29 (scandium through copper), 39 through 47 (yttrium through silver), 57 through 79 (lanthanum through gold), and all known elements from 89 (actinium) on (一类金属元素,这些元素最外层的8个电子未填满,导致倒数第二层有8到18或32个电子。这此元素包括21至29号元素(钪至铜),39至47号元素(钇至银),57至79号元素(镧至金),以及89号以后的所有已知的元素。)
met. transition element
space transitional element
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects