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转口贸易 zhuǎnkǒu màoyì
busin. reexport trade; reexport
commer. entrepot trade
econ. carry trade; the entrepot trade; the reexport trade
IMF. transit trade
interntl.trade. carrying trade; re-export; switch trade
nautic., tech. intermediary trade
oil entreport trade
textile re-export trade
转口贸易分直接过境贸易即货物从一船转入另一船,或从一列火车转人另一列火车。间接过境贸易则是先存入海关仓库,以后再运出 zhuǎnkǒu màoyì
busin. transit trade
转口贸易生产国与消费国通过第三国交易 zhuǎnkǒu màoyì
busin. carrying trade
转 口贸易: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Textile industry2