
   Chinese English
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gen. albeit; although; though; after; all be it; for all
busin. notwithstanding
| 对此
gen. whereat
gen. a trouble
| 极为注意
gen. be all eyes
gen. still
| 造成
gen. bring about
| 不少
gen. not few
| 麻烦
gen. inconvenient
wushu. solid
gen. act
| 抱歉
gen. apologize

to phrases
虽然 suīrán
gen. albeit; although; though; all be it; for all; much as; enen if; enen though; however; if; not but; not but that; not but what; even though; when; whilst
busin. notwithstanding
econ. as; while
虽然如此 suīrán
gen. howbeit; be that as it may
在下列句型中,that 相当于 as 虽然 suīrán
gen. that
虽然经过 suīrán
gen. after
〔拉丁语〕虽然 suīrán
gen. non obstante
虽然 suīrán
gen. with
虽然: 43 phrases in 5 subjects
Cosmetics and cosmetology1
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal4