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薄利多销 bó lì duō xiāo
busin. buy turnover; quick return and small margin; larger sales at a small profit; quick sales at small profits; small profit and big return; small profit and quick return; small profit but quick turnover; small profits and quick return
econ. quick returns and small margins; small profit and quick returns; small profit for quick return; small profit for quick turnover; small profit by quick turnover
exhib. bulk-cheap
interntl.trade. small profits and quick returns
nautic., tech. small profit and quick-returns
securit. larger sale at a small profit; small profits, quick returns
tech. bulkcheap
 Chinese thesaurus
薄利多销 bó lì duō xiāo
gen. 单个产品或商品赢利少, 但售出数量很大利润仍然不小
薄利 多 销: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Textile industry1