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落下强度 luòxià qiángdù
met. drop number; dropping resistance; drop strength; drop test; number of drops; resistance to dropping; resistance to shatter; shatter index (【技】反映铁矿石(烧结矿和球团矿)冷态强度的一项重要指标,体现了铁矿石的抗冲击性。将铁矿石试样装人规定尺寸的铁箱中,从规定高度落到钢板上。反复落下数次后,试样全部过筛分级,以某一粒级的质量占原试样质量的百分数来表示。); shatter strength
【团】 落下强度 luòxià qiángdù
met. drop strength; resistance to dropping; resistance to shatter; shatter strength
【团】落下强度 luòxià qiángdù
met. dropping resistance
落下 强 度
: 4 phrases in 1 subject