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IMF. self-sustaining; self-sustained
| 类别
 类 别
IT class
gen. classification
bridg.constr. type
hydroel.st. sort; category
met. distribution
sport. class
| 进出
gen. feed-out
| 任务区
space task area
gen. time
| 不受
gen. reject
| 问责制
IMF. accountability
| 约束
math. constraint
gen. whereas
| 需要
environ. need
| 进行
gen. proceed
| 核查
exhib. check
| 和检查
agric. sum check
archit. per
| 确保
gen. ensure
gen. whose
| 满足
gen. satisfactory
| 特遣队
UN tech. contingent
| 商定
interntl.trade. come to an agreement
| 标准和
tech. canonic sum
| 任务
environ. mandate
| 规定
sport. regulation

to phrases
自我维持 zìwǒ wéichí
IMF. self-sustaining; self-sustained
UN, tech. self-sustainment
: 19 phrases in 4 subjects
International Monetary Fund4
Reproductive biology1
United Nations13