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environ. line
geophys. wire
hydroel.st. string; thread; yarn
math. straight line
met. strand
metrol. linear … density; linear; lineic
gen. compose
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 琴 弦
gen. music wire
gen. of
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线 xiàn
gen. lines; bar; corde; linea; range; mit-; mito-; nemat-; nemato-; -tene
agric. linea (linea); ribbon
anat. line (骨面上低而粗涩的嵴); Nelaton's line Nelaton (侧卧和髋关节屈曲 90°~120° 时,为坐骨结节至骼前上棘的连线,通过股骨大转子尖。髋关节脱位或股骨颈骨折时,大转子尖可向此线上方移位)
anim.husb. chorda
archit. twist
bridg.constr. wire
busin. Cd cord; yam
environ. line Term used in GIS technologies in the vector type of internal data organization: spatial data are divided into point, line and polygon types. In most cases, point entities (nodes) are specified directly as coordinate pairs, with lines (arcs or edges) represented as chains of points. Regions are similarly defined in terms of the lines which form their boundaries. Some vector GIS store information in the form of points, line segments and point pairs; others maintain closed lists of points defining polygon regions. Vector structures are especially suited to storing definitions of spatial objects for which sharp boundaries exist or can be imposed (用于地理信息系统技术中矢量类内部数据的组织:空间数据被划分为点、线、多边形类型。在大多数情况下,点实体(节点)直接指定为坐标对,线(弧或边),表示为点的链接。某一区域由组成其边界的线条定义。矢量地理信息系统以点、线段和点对的形式存储信息,其它使用一系列封闭的点定义多边形区域。由于尖锐边界的存在或被强加,向量结构特别适合于存储空间物体的定义信息。)
expl. corrected efficiency curve
hydroel.st. string; thread; yarn; tie
hydrol. curve
math. straight line
met. strand
metrol. linear … density; linear; lineic
morph., bot. ridge
nurs. M line
pref. nema-
repr.biol. middle disk M
space filament; rope
sport, bask. baseline
sport., med. ray
tech. line; line; braid; lace; hair line
textile cord; textile yarn; twine; chain yarn; thd (thread); thread (thd)
C 线
telecom. sleeve lead; sleeve wire (S wire); signal wire; S-wire; test wire
B 线
dermat. B-line
S 线
hydrol. S-curve hydrograph
B 线
telecom. R-wire
S 线
telecom. sleeve lead; sleeve wire (S wire)
B 线
telecom. B-wire
S 线
telecom. S-wire
gen. T-wire
X 线
agric. X-line
anim.husb. delta ray; δ ray
X 线
anim.husb. scia-
el. tip wire
E 线
petanq. E line
telecom. E-lead
R 线
telecom. R-wire; ring; ring wire
a 线
telecom. tip lead; tip wire; tip wire (T-wire)
telecom. tip wire (T-wire)
软,粗,导火线 xiàn
gen. cord
线 xiàn
gen. filament
K线由于K电子层的电子激发而在原子的X射线谱上所产生的特性线条 kei xiàn
gen. K-lines
线条,路 xiàn
gen. line
线 xiàn
gen. loop
线 xiàn
gen. plot
gen. S-wire
线状物 xiàn
gen. thread
gen. U-line
线 xiàn
gen. -trix
线 xiàn
auto. cord
灯光测试H-H 线
auto. lines H-H
线 xiàn
auto. plot
A 线
dermat. A-line
dermat. D-line
线磁通单位;1 线 =10-8Wb xiàn
el.mach. line
eng.geol. B-line
life.sc. Z line
nautic., tech. BWWL line
nautic., tech. LWL line
Z 线
nurs. Z line
KCL 线手部的标记线,有 4 种不同方法,比较常用的是:在拇指外展时,从食指和拇指的交界点到钩骨钩的连线
plast.surg. Kaplan cardinal line
线扎活字版用 xiàn
polygr. cord
Hugoniot 线
railw. Hugoniot line
sport., med. M-line
Z 线
sport., physiol. z-line
A 线
tech. A-line (指塑性图)
s 线
telecom. sleeve wire
T 线
telecom. tip lead; tip wire
A 线电话的
telecom. A-wire
"b" 线
telecom. ring-wire
PP 线
textile spun polyester thread
线 xiàn
textile thready
gen. B-line
gen. C-wire
导,引线 xiàn
gen. lead
直,曲,电,金属,管,界,路,航,通信,流,测,传输,扫描,光谱,谱,作业,交通,铁路线 xiàn
gen. line
路,轨线 xiàn
gen. path
gen. S-wire
gen. T-wire
纱,毛线 xiàn
gen. yarn
Y 线
agric. Y-line
线【解】 xiàn
anim.husb. linea
K 线输出控制信号数据总线 K xiàn
auto. K wire
灯光测试V-V 线
auto. lines V-V
K线 kei xiàn
busin. Kappa line
自动电话 C线
construct. release trunk
C 线[掌纹]
dermat. C-line
el. G line
eng.geol. A-line
eng.geol. C-line
genet. chromoneme
金属线 xiàn
geophys. wire
hydrol. S-curve
线〔材〕 xiàn
met. wire
线管路/航线 xiàn
nautic., tech. line
线 xiàn
plast. line
plast.surg. orbitomeatal line
λ 线
refrig. lambda line
sport. X-ray
M 线
sport., med. M line
c 线
telecom. sleeve wire
telecom. private wire
: 1 phrase in 1 subject