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炉前工 lúqiángōng
construct. blast-furnace man
met. blast furnace operator (高炉的); blast furnace worker (高炉的); forehearth operator; furnaceman; hearth attendant; blast furnace man (高炉的); converter worker (转炉的); EAF worker (电炉的); front side crew (集体); furnace attendant; furnace operator (With the infra-red slag detection system all furnace operators are able to detect slag in steel stream at tap in a precise way, independent of their skill level or visibility conditions during the tap. 使用红外测渣系统时,所有的炉前工,不论其技术水平高低或出钢时环境能见度状况优劣,都能精确对出钢钢流裹渣进行测定。); furnace tender
tech. cave-man; finisher; melter (人)
炉前工 lúqiángōng
met. front side crew
炉前 工
: 13 phrases in 2 subjects