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潮间带 cháojiāndài
gen. eulittoral; vey
agric. eulittoral (eulittoralis); mesolittoral zone
desert. littoral zone
earth.sc. dry shoal
eng.geol. shore
environ. intertidal zone 1. The area between land and sea which is regularly exposed to the air by the tidal movement of the sea. Marine organisms that inhabit the intertidal zones have to adapt to periods of exposure to air and to the waves created by wind, which makes it the most physically demanding of the marine habitats. 2. The shore zone between the highest and lowest tides (1. 潮汐活动中经常曝露在空气中的海洋与陆地间的部分。栖息于潮间带的海洋生物需要适应曝露于空气的时间段,并且需要适应此时因风而起的海浪,这些成为了海洋生物最大的体能要求。 2. 最高和最低潮汐之间的海岸域。)
fishery intertidal
life.sc. intertidal belt
ocean. shore zone
oil littoral
tech. intertidal fascia; intertidal region; tidal belt; tidal zone
UN, geol. intertidal zone
潮间带 cháojiāndài
life.sc. intertidal zone
潮间带: 38 phrases in 9 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Fishery fishing industry1
Oil / petroleum7
Water resources1