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met. alloy addition; alloying addition; alloying addition (① When the steel-making process is complete, the molten metal is run out into large ladles, some holding as much as 300 tonnes, depending on the size and type of the plant; alloying additions are put into the ladle during pouring, to give the desired steel composition. 炼钢结束,将钢水倒人大型钢包。视炼钢设备规模和类型,一些钢包容量可达 300t。 在浇注时,将合金剂加人钢包,以便获得所需的钢水成分。② Many varieties of cast iron can be produced, by selection of different pig irons, by variations of the melting conditions in the cupola, and by special alloying additions, but in general the two main classifications are into white cast irons and grey cast irons. 通过选用不同的生铁、化铁炉中不同的化铁条件及添加专用合金剂等,可以生产出多种铸铁。但一般而言,铸铁分为两大类一白口铸铁和灰铸铁。)
tech. alloying agent
添 加合金元素
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects