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淋巴系统 lín bā xì tǒng
anat. lymphatic system (由淋巴管道、淋巴组织和淋巴器官组成。淋巴管道和淋巴结的淋巴窦内含有淋巴液,简称为淋巴。淋巴沿淋巴管道和淋巴结的淋巴窦向心流动,最后流入静脉。淋巴系统是心血管系统的辅助系统,协助静脉引流组织液。此外,淋巴器官和淋巴组织具有产生淋巴细胞、过滤淋巴液和进行免疫应答的功能)
environ. lymphatic system A system of vessels and nodes conveying lymph in the vertebrate body, beginning with capillaries in tissue spaces and eventually forming the thoracic ducts which empty in the subclavian veins (脊椎动物体内输送淋巴液的管道和节点,从组织间隙的毛细血管开始,最终形成锁骨下的静脉空腔导管。)
life.sc. lymphatic system
淋巴 系 统
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