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environ. posidonia Plant with elongated, planar, green leaves which measure up to 1,5 m. The flowers come out in the autumn but not every year. The fruits are dark balls, which one often finds washed up on beaches after storms. The same happens with the leaves which wilt and separate from the plant at the end of summer. It grows on sandy substrates, and has a rhizome from which several plants grow. The compact form of its growths retains the sediments pulled by the currents along the sea bed. Neptunegrass forms extensive prairies, always on the continental shelf. The plant's presence, apart from constituting an excellent refuge and food reserve for many species, gives an indication of the maturity and good condition of the whole marine ecosystem (该植物有细长的、平面的、绿色的树叶,能达到1.5米。花朵在秋天开放,但并不是每一年都开放。水果是暗黑色的球形。每年的夏末树叶都会枯萎并离开树木。它生长在桑迪基质的土壤,并具有块茎。其生长保持紧凑的形式,并沿着海底。这种植物的存在,除了能构筑优秀的避难所和粮食储备,还能为整个海洋生态系统的状态提供指示。)