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environ. coastal ecosystem Marine environments bounded by the coastal land margin (seashore) and the continental shelf 100-200 m below sea level. Ecologically, the coastal and nearshore zones grade from shallow water depths, influenced by the adjacent landmass and input from coastal rivers and estuaries, to the continental shelf break, where oceanic processes predominate. Among the unique marine ecosystems associated with coastal and nearshore waterbodies are seaweed-dominated communities, coral reefs and upwellings (以沿海陆地边缘(海岸线)和海拔100-200 m以下的大陆架为边界的海洋环境。从生态学的观点看,沿海区划定等级,从受连接的陆地和沿岸河流和河口的输入影响的浅水深,到海洋作用起主导地位的大陆架坡折。在这些与海岸线和近岸水域的水体相关联的独特的海洋生态系统中,水生物主要是海藻群落、珊瑚礁和涌升流。)