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desert. coastal development
environ. coastal development Concentration of human settlements, infrastructures and economical activities along the coasts, being these areas very favourable for trade, communication and marine resources exploitation; the impact of the accelerated population growth and of the industrial and touristic development in these areas has caused the disruption of the ecological integrity of the coastal zones (沿着海岸的人类住区、基础设施和经济活动的集中,在这些地区进行贸易、通讯和海洋资源开发非常有利。这些地区的人口加速增加和工业旅游业开发所造成的影响,已经导致了沿海地区的生态整合的破坏。)
tech. seaside development
沿 海开发
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
Hydroelectric power stations1
Oil / petroleum1
Textile industry1
United Nations14