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沉积盆地 chénjī péndì
desert. sedimentary basin (指可堆积、正在堆积或已堆积沉积物的盆地。沉积盆地可分地貌盆地 (morphologic basin)、深水盆地 (bathymetric basin) 和大地构造盆地 (tectomic basin))
environ. sedimentation basin A basin in which suspended matter is removed either by quiescent settlement or by continuous flow at high velocity and extended retention time to allow deposition (一个盆地,在那里悬浮物被静态沉降或被连续流体高速移动,经过很长时间使它们沉积下来。); sedimentary basin A geomorphic feature of the earth in which the surface has subsided for a prolonged time, including deep ocean floors, intercontinental rifts and elevated and interior drainage basins (地球的地貌特性,地表通过很长时间的沉降,包括很深的海底、大陆架和升起的以及内陆干涸的盆地。)
geol. sedimentary basin; sedimentary basins
hydroel.st. sedimentation basin
oil depositional basin
tech. basin of deposit; basin of deposition; sedimentary trough; settling basin
eng.geol. depositional basin
沉积 盆地
: 19 phrases in 6 subjects
Desert science2
Earth sciences1
Oil / petroleum8