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污染物扩散 wūrǎnwù kuòsàn
eng.geol. diffusion of contaminant
environ. pollutant dispersion The spreading of pollutants from a point of release in air, soil and water. The dispersion of air pollutants is heavily influenced by how and where the pollutant is emitted, e.g., by continuous low-level versus accidental releases, multiple stacks versus a few, or the height of the stacks. The nature of the local terrain meteorology and the chemistry of the released material strongly influence the pattern of regional and, finally, global dispersion and transport (污染物通过传播释放到空气、土壤和水中。空气污染物扩散的问题是在哪里及如何处理污染物的排放,例如通过连续的少量的释放,或多重叠加的释放。局部地形气象学和化学物质属性会强烈影响释放的模式。最后,污染物扩散涉及到区域和全球的分散性和运输。)
tech. contamination dispersal; diffusion of pollutant; dispersal of pollutant; pollutant dispersion
water.res., ecol. contaminant dispersal
wind. diffusion of pollutants; pollutant diffusion
污染物 扩散: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Water resources1