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水土保持 shuǐtŭ băochí
agric. land and water conservation
archit. conservancy
busin. conservation of water and soil
desert. conservation (涉及自然资源的保护,改良和合理利用。现今随着人们环境意识的增强、大自然保护包括保护森林、草原、矿藏资源、水、海洋、江湖、城镇环境、大气等采取的一切人类活动。就全球干旱半干旱地带和亚湿润地带的荒漠化而言,防治水蚀和风蚀,合理利用水土资源和植被资源,是至关重要的)
earth.sc. farmland and water conservation
ecol. soil and water conservancy
environ. soil conservation Management of soil to prevent or reduce soil erosion and depletion by wind and water. Preservation of soil against deterioration and loss by using it within its capabilities; application of conservation practices needed for its protection and improvement (对土壤的管理,以防止或减少风和水对土壤的侵蚀和耗竭。实施一些保护促使以尽力阻止退化和损失以保存土壤,改善和维持土壤。)
hydroel.st. soil and water conservation; soil conservation; water conservation
manag. conservation of soil and water; water and soil conservation
wind. soil water conservation
水土 保持
: 131 phrases in 14 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Bridge construction1
Desert science14
Earth sciences21
Engineering geology1
Hydroelectric power stations29
Name of organization2
Soil science2
Water resources2