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水产业 shuǐchǎnyè
busin. fisheries; fisheries industry; fishing industry
econ. industry of marine products; marine product industry
environ. aquaculture 1. The cultivation and harvest of freshwater or marine animals and plants, in ponds, tanks, cages or on protected beds. This is usually done in inland waters, estuaries or coastal waters. It is estimated that commercial fish farming accounts for more than 10% of the world's fish needs. Fish farming usually concentrates on molluscs, including oysters, mussels and clams, because they are usually immobile and fetch high prices. Shrimps and salmon are also farmed, but the stock have to be caught in the wild first, so that they can be brought up to commercial standards in pens. Aquaculture in not new. In Asia freshwater fish have been farmed for some 4.000 years, usually on small farms. 2. The use of artificial means to increase the production of aquatic organisms in fresh or salt water (1. 在池塘、水箱、水笼和被保护的河床和海床中的淡水和海水动植物的养殖和收获。 经常实行于内陆水域、河口、或海岸水域。 据估计,商业渔业养殖约占世界渔业需求的10%以上。 渔场通常养殖了大量的软体动物,包括蛤蜊、蚌类和蛤类,因为它们通常不能移动,又可售得高价。 虾和鲑鱼也常被养殖,但种苗必须先从野外捕集,再于围栏中养殖,以达到商业标准。 水产养殖业并不新奇,在亚洲,通常在小渔场里的淡水鱼类养殖已约有4000年了。 2.藉由人工方法来增加淡水或咸水中的水中生物产量。)
hydroel.st. fishery
interntl.trade. marine industry
met. marine products industry
tech. aquatic products industry; fishery industry
UN, ecol. aquaculture
水产业 shuǐchǎnyè
anim.husb. fisheries
水产业: 85 phrases in 18 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Cosmetics and cosmetology1
Fish farming pisciculture7
Fishery fishing industry2
International trade1
Labor organization2
Name of organization39
Water resources1
Work flow2