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environ. EC ecolabel The European Community (EC) initiative to encourage the promotion of environmentally friendly products. The scheme came into operation in late 1992 and was designed to identify products which are less harmful to the environment than equivalent brands. For example, eco-labels will be awarded to products that do not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which damage ozone layer, to those products that can be, or are, recycled, and to those that are energy efficient. The labels are awarded on environmental criteria set by the EC. These cover the whole life cycle of a product, from the extraction of raw materials, through manufacture, distribution, use and disposal of the product. The first products to carry the EC eco-labels were washing machines, paper towels, writing paper, light bulbs and hairsprays (欧洲共同体倡议鼓励环保产品的推广。该项计划于1992年底投入运作,其目的在于确定相同品牌产品中更环保的产品。例如,环保标签将赋予那些不含破坏臭氧层的氯氟烃(CFC)的产品、那些可以或者是可再生的产品、那些高能效的产品。这些标签是由欧盟委员会授予的环保标准。包括一个产品的整个生命周期,从原料的提取到制造、分配、使用和处置。首批带有欧共体生态环保标签的商品有:洗衣机、擦手纸、书写纸、灯泡和发胶。)