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environ. coppice with standards A traditional system of woodland management whereby timber trees are grown above a coppiced woodland. It is used in particular as a method of exploiting oakwoods, in which all the trees except a rather open network of tall, well-formed oaks - the standards at about fifty per hectare - are felled, leaving plenty of space for hazels and other underwood to grow and be coppiced at intervals of ten to fifteen years (林地管理的统系统,其中可用作木材的树木生长在矮林上。特别可用作采伐橡树林的方法:除了相当开阔而网状分布的良构的高橡木(每公顷大约50棵树木)外,所有的树都被砍倒,留下大量空间给榛树和其他的矮树生长,以便以10到15年的时间间隔形成矮林。)