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gen. polish
agric. polishing
bridg.constr. hone out; buffing
exhib. burnishing
manag. finish
met. abrade; planish; slick
oil transp. friction glazing
gen. slippery
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to phrases
磨光 móguāng
gen. polish; cooper up; glance; glassing; grind on; hone (out); levigation (细)
agric. polishing
archit. ashing; brightening; furbish; glass; grit finish; lap; strickle; strikle
auto. glaze
bridg.constr. hone out; buffing
CNC burnish
dril. hone; tumble; wear out
el. grinding; abrasion
el.mach. lapping
exhib. burnishing
inf. grind away
manag. finish
met. abrade; planish; slick; polishing (The steel becomes still harder by cold-drawing process and afterwards it is subjected to a very accurate grinding and polishing process. 采用冷拉法加工的钢会变得更硬,随后还要对它进行高精度打磨和抛光加工。)
mining. grind
oil finishing; smoothing
oil, transp. friction glazing
plast. abrasive finishing; cut-down buffing; skive
tech. abrading; abrasion finishing; barrel finishing; brighten; bright finished (的); cutting down; final grind; finish grinding; flatting down; glassed (对大理石或花岗岩表面); ground finish; mill finish; polished dressing; politure; sand rubbed (面); glazing; buff
textile levigate
archit. buff; grind
auto. tumble; tumbling
磨光 móguāng
gen. baldness
gen. polish
gen. shine
archit. burnishing
auto. dress
auto. satin finish
磨 〔抛〕光
tech. finishing
磨〔抛,滚〕 光
tech. tumble
gen. dress
磨光〔合,配,准〕 móguāng
gen. lap
gen. polishing
磨光〔快〕 móguāng
gen. strickle
archit. brighten
archit. burnish
磨光打磨作用 móguāng
archit. burnishing action
auto. burnishing
磨光 móguāng
auto. grind
磨光 móguāng
auto. wear smooth
磨光 滑
: 1 phrase in 1 subject