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gen. custom house; pass; shut; close; off
busin. off
chess.term. close
earth.sc. shut in
econ. switch off
footb. dame
gen. at
| 小天地
gen. microcosm
gen. mile
- only individual words found

to phrases
gen. custom house; pass; shut; steek; switch off shock
avia. turn out
busin. off
chem. put out
chess.term. close
econ. switch the light off (灯); gateway
expl. closed
footb. dame
inf. shut up
met. turn-off
refrig. turn off
闭,掉 guān
gen. turn off; turn out
gen. close; off
使闭,拢 guān
gen. shut down
断,闭,掉 guān
auto. turn off
闭,上,拢 guān
gen. shut
闭,断 guān
gen. turnoff
关〔井〕 guān
earth.sc. shut in
关〔井〕{钻} guān
earth.sc. shut in
关在小天地里: 1 phrase in 1 subject