
   Chinese English
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gen. unfortunately; but too
gen. ground; land; place
el.mach. earth
met. terra
space earth
| 告知
gen. inform
| 你方
commer. you
gen. at
| 卸货
gen. discharge
gen. and
| 进库
IMF. incomings
gen. time
| 第2号箱
 第113 号箱
commer. case No. 113
gen. of
| 货物
hydroel.st. cargo
| 被盗
interntl.trade. pilfered
| 我们
gen. us
| 正在
gen. in the course of
| 调査
met. inquiry
gen. present
gen. a trouble

to phrases
很遗憾 hěn yíhàn
gen. unfortunately; but too
commer. We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract; We regret to say that we cannot oblige you in this respect
: 15 phrases in 4 subjects
Cables and cable production1