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【连】 开浇用保护渣
met. starter flux (The improved performance was attributed to the formation of a stable film during the first infiltration of the starter flux into the mold/ strand gap. 这一性能的改进归因于开浇用保护渣刚流人到结晶器/铸坯之间的间隙时即形成了稳定的(保护渣)膜。); starter powder (The use of a low-viscosity starter powder helps to reduce cracking by establishing a stable flux film in the mold/strand gap. 使用低黏度开浇用保护渣有助于通过在结晶器/铸坯之间的间隙中形成稳定的保护渣膜来减少裂纹的发生。)
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