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desert. mountain ecosystems
environ. mountain ecosystem Ecosystems found on high-mountains at low latitudes. Mountain ecosystems are very vulnerable. They are increasingly sensitive to soil erosion, landslide and rapid loss of habitat and genetic diversity. Widespread poverty and an increase in the numbers of mountain inhabitants lead to deforestation, cultivation of marginal lands, excessive livestock grazing, loss of biomass cover and other forms of environmental degradation. Because little is known about mountain ecosystems, Agenda 21 has proposed the establishment of a global mountain database. This is essential for the launch of programmes that would contribute to the sustainable development of mountain ecosystems. The proposals also focus on promoting watershed development and alternative employment for people whose livelihoods are linked to practices that degrade mountains (出现于低纬度高山的生态系统。山地生态系统是易受攻击的。它们对土壤侵蚀、山崩、动植物栖息地和遗传多样性的迅速消失越来越敏感。分布广泛的贫困和山地居民数量的增长导致了砍伐森林、土地耕种、过度放牧、生物量减少和其他形式的环境退化。 由于很少有人知道山地生态系统,21世纪议程提出了创建全球性的山地数据库。这对山地生态系统的可持续发展是重要的。该提案还注重促进流域开发和生计活动与山地退化有关的人们的替代性就业问题。解决其生计活动可使山地退化的人们的替代性就业问题。)
tech. mountain ecosystem