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gen. make use of
econ. take odds of
fin. draw on
food.serv. food utilization
hydroel.st. utilization
interntl.trade. make a market of; make market of
met. avail; exploitation; recover
| 得很
gen. nice and +
gen. bad
- only individual words found

to phrases
利用 lìyòng
gen. make use of; advantage oneself of; take the advantage; avail oneself of; make capital out of; capitalize (on, upon); capitalise (on, upon); develop; fuck; with the help of; with one's help; impose on; inspan; profit (by, from); shaft; take the advantage of; take hold of; in terms of; with use
agric. deployment; embrace (embracchium); exploitability; usage
archit. impress; improve
auto. manipulation
avia. exploit (……为自己谋利); manipulate; utilisation; utilize
busin. availment; utility
chess.term. exploit
commer. recover; seize
dril. impose
econ. take odds of; avail oneself of; cash in on; embrace; make use of (limited resources, 有限资源); play; make one's profit of (natural resources, 自然资源); trade on (one's reputation, social standing, 自己的名望、社会地位); trade upon (one's reputation, social standing, 自己的名望、社会地位)
expl. usings
fin. draw on
food.serv. food utilization
hydroel.st. utilization
interntl.trade. make a one’s market of; make one’s market of
manag. take the advantage of
met. avail; exploitation; employ; recover (废料: Conway Steel has developed a technology to recover zinc and iron from electric arc furnace dust by a shaft furnace that is similar to the blast furnace operation. 康韦钢公司开发出一项利用竖炉从电弧炉炉尘中回收锌和铁的技术。该竖炉的操作与高炉操作相类似。)
securit. leverage off
sport. use; capitalize; take advantage of; utilise
tech. draw upon; make something of
telecom. application; serve
gen. impose
利〔使〕 用
gen. bring into play; call into play
gen. seize on; seize upon
为自私的目的利用 lìyòng
gen. trade on; trade upon
gen. utilization; utilisation
为自私的目的利用 lìyòng
econ. trade in (upon)
〔废物〕利用 lìyòng
gen. recovery
M 使用M
gen. access to
利用自然力 lìyòng
gen. enlist
gen. exploitation
利用弱点 lìyòng
gen. play on; play upon
M 利用M
gen. make one's profit of
利用机会 lìyòng
gen. seize
M 利用M
gen. make something of
利用 M
gen. turn M to profit
利用〔使用〕 lìyòng
gen. make + use (of)
土地利用 lìyòng
agric. develop
auto. exploit; exploitation
利用〈废料〉 lìyòng
plast. recover; recovery
好好,充分利用 lìyòng
gen. turn ...to good, full account
资源的利用 lìyòng
gen. exploitage
利 〔滥〕用
gen. presume (on, upon)
充分利用 lìyòng
gen. put to good use
M 利用 M
gen. serve oneself of
通过利用 lìyòng
gen. by the use of
agric. CO₂utilization
废物利用 lìyòng
archit. salvage
commer. utilization
QTL 利用
genet. QTL application
利用废料 lìyòng
met. recover
[土地]利用 lìyòng
soil. development (evolutio)
利用 得很 差
: 1 phrase in 1 subject