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corp.gov. external audit
econ. external audit; external auditing
fin. external revision
tech. outside auditing
| 机制
 机 制
gen. machine
IMF. arrangements
IT facility
met. machine
| 中央银行
IMF. bankers' bank
gen. of
| 法律
hydroel.st. law
| 结构
sport. med. configuration
gen. and
| 独立性
space self-sufficiency
| 财务报告
IMF. financial reporting
| 做法
gen. method of work
| 内 部审计
corp.gov. internal audit
| 机制
sport. med. mechanism
| 内部控制制度
manag. internal control system

to phrases
外部审计 wàibù shěnjì
corp.gov. external audit
econ. external audit (independent audit); external auditing
fin. external revision
tech. outside auditing
textile outside audit
外部审计: 10 phrases in 6 subjects
Corporate governance2
Information technology1
International Monetary Fund3