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备用电源 bèiyòng diànyuán
archit. attached power
avia. backup battery
busin. spare electric source; stand-by electric source
chem. back-up power
commun., railw. stand-by power supply (source)
el. back-up power source; stand-by source; stand-by supply; emergency power unit
el.mach. standby electric source; standby electric supply; standby power (supply); back-up source emergency power supply; back-up source auxiliary power supply
eng.geol. stand-by power source
expl. emergency power source
hydroel.st. standby source; reserve source (stand-by source)
met. emergency power; stand-by power supply
mil., air.def. spare power supply
oil standby power supply; emergency power supply
proj.manag. standby power source
space backup power; reserve power supply
tech. accessory power supply; alternate power source; auxiliary power; backup power source; prime standby power source; reserve power source; spare power source; stand-by electric power; stand-by electrical power
telecom. auxiliary power supply; auxiliary supply; stand-by power; standby power
紧急备用电源 bèiyòng diànyuán
tech. emergency supply
备 用 电源: 42 phrases in 12 subjects
Electric machinery2
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1
Hydroelectric power stations4
Information technology2
United Nations1