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earth.sc. soil compaction; soil compression
environ. soil compaction An increase in bulk density (mass per unit volume) and a decrease in soil porosity resulting from applied loads, vibration, or pressure. More compacted soils (or other materials) can support greater loads (load-bearing capacity). Bulk density can be increased by controlling the moisture content, compaction forces and treatment procedures, as well as by manipulating the type of material being compacted (散装密度(单位体积的质量)增加,土壤应用载荷、振动或压力造成的孔隙率下降。更多压实土壤(或其他材料)可以支持更大的负载(承载能力)。散装密度可提高是通过水分含量控制,压力和处理程序,以及通过操纵材料的类型被压缩。)
tech. earth compaction; earth densification; soil densification
土壤 压 实
: 13 phrases in 2 subjects
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